First Choice Course

Second Choice Course

HSC Reg.No



Male Female

3.Name of Father / Guardian

4.Father's / Guardian's Occupation

5.Mother's Name

6.Mother's Occupation

7.Annual Family Income

8.Address for Communication

9.Permanent Address

Select image


10.Mobile No. (Father)

12.Date of Birth

14.Mother Tongue


11.Mobile No. (Mother)




18.Special Category, if any

19.Residential Status

Resident Non-Resident

20.Percentage of marks in 10th / equivalent Exam


21.Particulars of Qualifying Examination

HSC Pre -Degree

22.School(s) studied in HSC


State CBSE Others

24.Medium of Instruction

25.Number of Attempts

26.Details of Marks Obtained

Subject 1:

Marks Obtained

Subject 2:

Marks Obtained

Subject 3:

Marks Obtained

Subject 4:

Marks Obtained

Subject 5:

Marks Obtained

Subject 6:

Marks Obtained



27.Language Under Part I

28.Aadhaar Card No.

29.Email ID of the candidate

30.Re-enter Email ID for confirmation

31.Document Upload

Upload below documents in jpeg / jpg / png / pdf format. Document size should be less than 2 MB

i. Upload HSC/Pre Degree MarkSheet
ii. Upload Aadhaar card
iii. Upload Transfer Certificate
I declare that the above particulars furnished are true and that if anything is found false, I will abide by the decision of the authorities concerned.